On Sunday 24 April 2022, Surfers Paradise will celebrate "Lei Day", a Hawaiian holiday in which everyone wearing a garland of flowers around their neck will participate in a ceremony that takes place on the water. A "Lei" is a Hawaiian garland.
This event takes place in cooperation with "De Watersportdag".
From 13h all FREE water sports sessions start, each time for 1h, so you can easily plan another activity every hour. Register via: https://ikwatersport.be/clubs/surfers-paradise
This year again, all water sports enthusiasts are expected to paddle off with a surfboard around 4 pm and form a large circle on the sea a little further out. The master of ceremonies, Frank Vanleenhove, will say a few words after which all the flowers will be thrown into the air and everyone will proceed to the "big splash". In this way, all the water sports enthusiasts feel a bond and pay tribute to the sea and all that lives in it, the waves, nature, and they hope to start a good water sports year.
Surfers Paradise provides free wetsuit and surfboard for those without equipment so everyone is welcome!
Afterwards, everyone can enjoy a real beach BBQ.
Programme on Sunday 24 April @ Surfers Paradise:
13u: Start of free introductory classes
16u: Circle of Surf
17:30: Surf & Turf BBQ
Everyone should preferably come with a lei (which are also provided) and afterwards enjoy a delicious Surf & Turf BBQ at 17:30.
The day itself (except for bbq) is completely free.
Register for introductory classes at https://ikwatersport.be/clubs/surfers-paradise
Subscribe bbq via julie@surfersparadise.be